The Curious Countdown: Number 2 – Roll Dice; Gain Fun.

Random Fun Generator 2

We are in the penultimate part of our curious countdown as we research the archives and Warehouse 23 for number 2. (If this isn't ringing a bell, please see the first installment of this experiment for the explanation.)

Today I want to focus on Random Fun Generator 2. This is an assortment of over 20 dice games that make use of your amazing collection of six-siders. It's the sequel to the popular Random Fun Generator, which itself presented another 21 games that incorporate everyone's favorite randomizers.

So, if you buy two books, you get over 40 awesome games that run the gamut from "lucky, breezy larks" to "in-depth strategy contemplations." That's a bargain! And one or both of these collections are perfect to keep in the car or backpack (along with some dice, of course), to have a ready-to-play collection in those quiet moments.

With that, the final installment of our curious countdown is almost upon us . . . And I will be honest: although nothing I pick at this point would compete with Octopus Pin - Three Broadswords, I will do my best . . .

-- Steven Marsh