Squishy Clay RPG Minis?

[Image]Mini Molds, on Kickstarter now, are hinged molds that turn any sort of soft clay (like Play-Doh) into table-ready roleplaying miniatures! The set includes four sculpts: a skeleton, a wolf, a goblin, and a bugbear. There are reward tiers for both the manufactured molds and STL files to print your own molds! 

Here's the Wolf mold in action:


I'll leave the other adorable squishy miniature pictures over on their Kickstarter page, so you'll have to click over to see them. I love the cartoony style of these figures, and think they'd be perfect for running games for kids (not to mention fidgety adults) . . .

This campaign runs through September 14 – they've almost reached their funding goal, and I'm dying to see what other figures they've got up their sleeves as stretch goals, so go back it!

-- Irene Zielinski