Oops, All Books

A huge pile of GURPS books

Sometimes, on the GURPS side of the global empire, we devote our focus exclusively to one book. And sometimes we focus on doing lots of things all at once. Sometimes we end up ordering 30+ books in a batch . . . which ends up being two boxes that no doubt gives the UPS driver pause.

It's one thing to work with stacks of supplements digitally on the screen; it's quite another to have a huge pile sitting in front of us . . . which prompted my photograph. Once we get these all double-checked and processed, these editions will become part of the expanding print-on-demand offerings at DriveThruRPG. Everything here is part of the core On Demand program, but we know that some folks prefer having options for their shopping needs, so we do what we can to help that GURPS goodness end up on your shelf however you like.

-- Steven Marsh