Ogre Miniatures Set 4 Comes To BackerKit!

The year is 2085. Armored warfare has changed. It is now not just faster, but deadlier than it has ever been before. There are combine patrols, Paneuro GEVs, fencers, Alamo Super-Heavy tanks, Minotaur Howitzers, and other fierce and destructive infantry vehicles.
Based on the classic 1977 war game Ogre, Ogres Miniatures Set 4 is the final wave of minis created to enhance the base game.
With four pledge levels beginning at just $40, you can save up to $17 during this campaign's exclusive pricing! In addition, we're offering a whole host of special add-on items that can be purchased along with your pledge. These include minis from Set 3 (one Doppelsoldner and one Ogre Mark VI), Ogre Miniatures Set 1 Glow-in-the-Dark Paneuro Units (41 miniatures!), and an Ogre playmat. 
But why should you choose to back this new project? "I think the best part of Set 4 is that you get more than 80 plastic minis for just $40! It can be very satisfying to sit down and assemble and paint the minis. For those wanting to fill their miniatures sets out, this has the combine units you've been needing," say Darryll Silva, Project & BackerKit Manager. 
The BackerKit site also includes a video where you can watch Ben Williams, Production Artist for Ogre Miniatures Set 4, paint assembled minis. Ben adds, "The minis have an awesome retro feel and they're packed with great details!"
Head over to BackerKit to make your pledge right away — the opportunity to back this final wave of minis only lasts until January 25th!

-- Michelle Richardson