Now Available On Demand: GURPS Powers . . . In Color!

GURPS Powers in Color

They said it couldn't be done, but . . . no, wait. Hold on. We said it could be done, but there was a problem that kept it from being done at the time we wanted to do it in the first place. Hmm. That doesn't seem as pithy.

The point remains: GURPS Powers – the beloved sourcebook that adds four-color excitement to your GURPS Fourth Edition gaming table – is now available in print as part of our ever-popular On Demand program . . . in full color!

The On Demand page on our site has a special section devoted to all the color volumes we have available, so hopefully finding what you want is quicker and easier. We've been surprised and humbled at how popular the gamut of the GURPS volumes have been, and we're working hard to expand our offerings as best we can to make it available as you like it . . . on demand!

-- Steven Marsh