Meet & Game With Steve Jackson At Gamehole Con!

Gamehole Con takes place October 17th - 20th in Madison, Wisconsin, at the Alliance Energy Center's Exhibition Hall. Fans of Steve Jackson Games who are attending will have the opportunity to play games with members of the SJG team and even Steve Jackson himself!
Tickets to the following events are extremely limited, but a few remain at the time of this article's publishing. 
Express is Back! – This classic card game is back in print. Build trains. Wreck your rivals. Hosted by Steve Jackson.
Chez Geek – 20-somethings share an apartment. Hilarity ensues. Hosted by Dorkstock, featuring Steve Jackson. 
Munchkin - A new Munchkin game or supplement not yet released. Hosted by Dorkstock, featuring Steve Jackson.
Gritty Reboot Sneak Preview! – Come turn your nostalgia into nightmare fuel in an exclusive sneak preview of Gritty Reboot. This one-shot RPG will be appearing in an upcoming microgame anthology from Steve Jackson Games. Hosted by Irene Zielinski, for mature audiences only. 
Is your game of choice sold out? Don't worry – you'll still have the chance to meet Steve at the What's New at SJGames presentation! This special event, which will also feature SJGames CEO Meredith Placko, will give fans a preview of upcoming games that have not yet been announced. Following the talk, you'll have the unique opportunity to participate in a Q&A, and then Steve will sign autographs for attendees. Tickets to the presentation free, but are also limited, so secure yours today!

-- Michelle Richardson