Loooking For A Coder With Brraaaaiiiiinnnns

Long story short: we are working with The Last Gameboard (lastgameboard.com). They have an amazing game device, and already have Ogre on it, via sublicense through Auroch. I'm expecting a Gameboard of my own, any day now, to try things out.

We'd like to get Zombie Dice on there. As you know if you are the person this is aimed at, it is a (very good) iOS app already.

To go on Gameboard, it would need to be implemented in the Unity or Unreal engine. So we are looking for a person or small studio intimately familiar with one of those engines, capable of porting or reimplementing the iOS code, using the assets we already have, and working with the Gameboard SDK to get zombies onto the Gameboard.

If that might be you, drop a line directly to me, at sj@sjgames.com, and talk will ensue.

-- Steve Jackson