Looking For Our Stuff? Try Your FLGS

A new game store has opened up relatively nearby, and I'm excited to stop by, introduce myself, and see what their setup is like. Friendly Local Game Stores are always delightful, and it seems like more and more of them are becoming de facto gathering places. That's great! One of the best things about games is the way they bring people together.
While our online store is always open for business, we here at Steve Jackson Games are grateful to all of the brick and mortar shops that provide a place for people to try out new games, pick up old favorites, engage in friendly competition, and make new friends. The next time you're looking to pick up one of our titles, head to our store finder to see if your FLGS carries our titles. And if they don't, ask them to get in touch with us at retailers@sjgames.com!

-- Katie Duffy