LibertyCon Interview With SJ


LibertyCon takes place this weekend, June 17-19. Every year there's a charity auction for a personalized promo card, which has traditionally been delivered at the convention the following year. If you're attending, make sure to check out the auction you might find yourself on a Munchkin card!

The folks at LC had a great talk with Steve about how he works with the winners to design these cards. You can find his interview, as well as many others, on their site under Videos. Get some insight into the game design process and the history of Munchkin, as well as more about the charity aspect of the LibertyCon promos. 

For you collectors out there, LibertyCon was also kind enough to post an archive of all the promos created for the show through the years! There are many cards to collect for the die-hard promo hunters out there.

-- Hunter Shelburne