Kickstarter Reports, April 2023 Update

Our stockpile of projects waiting for their turn at Kickstarter continues to grow, with the exact schedule in a state of flux as we focus on different games and ideas. Some larger projects – Groo, new Pocket Box games, Pathfinder Revolution! – keep sliding as we wait for the bigger open campaigns (such as Wiz-War and Munchkin Witches) to come to a close. On top of that, we sometimes respond to opportunities when we see an opening, which also pushes those lying-in-wait projects down on the calendar.

Read on to see the active projects . . . and please follow us on Kickstarter  Steve Jackson Games and Warehouse 23  to see what comes next.

Choose Cthulhu – Solitaire Gamebooks by Steve Jackson Games

  • March 27 to April 6
  • 960 backers and on schedule
  • This campaign is bringing six gamebooks to life in PDF and print-on-demand, meaning that backers can come from almost anywhere in the world to support the campaign. These solitaire adventures require only your time and imagination; no dice or other playes needed!

Steve Jackson Games' Hack & Slash Game, Plus New Promo Cards

  • March 8 to March 16
  • 586 backers and on schedule
  • The campaign closed successfully and we're now collecting shirt sizes and waiting for the surveys to close. The promo cards are complete, the playmats are at print, and the T-shirts will head to print just as soon as we have closed the surveys. 

Hexagram #11, an Old-School RPG Zine for The Fantasy Trip

  • February 20 to February 28
  • 585 backers and on schedule
  • The project is at print. Now we wait for everything to arrive, and then we start the fulfillment process.

Steve Jackson Games' Box of Astonishments

  • February 13 to February 16
  • 402 backers and on schedule
  • The boxes have landed! The team is working on packing boxes this month, and we hope to finalize everything ahead of schedule.

Wiz-War, Tom Jolly's Classic Boardgame Returns!

  • January 23 to February 2
  • 1,769 backers and on schedule
  • The game is on the water and all we can do now is wait. Fulfillment may start in May, and we expect everything to be shipped no later than June.

Munchkin Witches, 30 Cards for Steve Jackson's Munchkin

  • October 31 to November 10
  • 984 backers and (maybe) on schedule
  • The expansion is on the water and headed to our fulfillment warehouse. The shipment is expected to land in May, but then we need time to process and ship everything. It looks like this campaign will slide into a June delivery.

For more news on upcoming projects, please join our mailing lists by visiting this page and signing on today!

We do not yet have exact launch dates for our next Kickstarter campaigns, so please follow both Steve Jackson Games and Warehouse 23 on Kickstarter so that you don't miss anything.

-- Phil Reed