Join Me Tonight At Dragon's Lair For New Turbo Dork Colors

(What a long title! But that's what it took to get everything in it. No clickbait here. If you didn't want to read the story you wouldn't have gotten this far.)

At any rate . . .

I will be joining Turbo Dork for their weekly painting night at Austin's Dragon's Lair (2438 W. Anderson Ln, Suite B-1, Austin, TX, 78757) to show off the brand new TD colors. I got an advance look and they're gorgeous.

The event starts at 7pm tonight, Wednesday the 17th. I will try to be a bit early, but don't hold me to that. 

We're bringing a batch of crabmen from the upcoming Foes 2 and some Car Wars cars, because both these things look great in crazy metallic colors.

I'm mostly there to paint and hang out, but if you buy something at DL, I will be happy to sign it. Preferably something of mine, of course  :)  Anyway, don't be shy about asking, if you want a game defaced. 40 years in, and it's still a thrill when someone asks for a signature.

-- Steve Jackson