Illuminated D20

I need to brag about some very talented friends of mine . . .

This year, for my birthday, I received hands-down the most beautiful die I've ever seen. It's bright and clear, with turquoise numbers and ethereally fine gold-flecked glitter, and a double-sided card in the middle. One side featured a personally significant tarot card, and the other – 


Isn't that the coolest thing ever?

[Image]Anyway, these friends work at Die Hard Dice.

Did you know that in addition to their dazzling array of metal and polymer wares, Die Hard sells gorgeous handmade resin d20s at conventions? Well, they do – and they'll be at Gen Con. If you're going, and you like artisanal math rocks, you should definitely stop by their booth. And tell them I sent you!

-- Irene Zielinski