Munchkin Polyhedral Dice In Final Production


It has taken us a very, very long time to get to this point, but we can now report that the upcoming Munchkin polyhedral dice sets are in the final stages of manufacturing and will reach stores in 2023. (Or, if you wish, you may preorder the dice today!)

We've encountered numerous delays and frustrations as we worked through the project, but now everything is shifting into the final packing and assembly . . . and then we have to wait for the dice to move across the world to our primary warehouse in Georgia.

The dice are available in four different colors and each pack includes new Munchkin cards to toss into your classic Munchkin games.

Or, obviously, you can use the dice with any game that requires polyhedral dice. 

It is past time for us to introduce a new Munchkin roleplaying game, isn't it?

These are now available for preorder in our current BackerKit dice store.

-- Phil Reed