Munchkin Curses (Fourth Printing!) Now At The Factory


We've published several Munchkin mini-expansions over the years. Ranging in size from 15- to 30-card decks, these tiny supplements to the core Munchkin games bring all sorts of weirdness and fun to the table. From Knights to Princesses to Dragons to Squids, we've covered a wide variety of subjects . . . and several of them have performed well enough to receive multiple printings!

One such set that's back at the factory for more is Munchkin Curses. First released in April of 2017, the expansion has proven popular enough that we've sold through three printings. We hope that we've ordered enough in this latest (fourth) to last a couple of years, but it's impossible to judge demand for many game titles these days. Will we sell 500 or 5,000 units through distribution? It's a roll of the dice! If we get lucky, we're on the 5,000 end of the scale. If we roll poorly . . . well, don't roll poorly.

If all goes well, this latest printing of Munchkin Curses will reach stores this summer. Of course, a lot of it depends on how we roll the dice. Wish us luck!

-- Phil Reed