Hexagram #11 Now Available On Warehouse 23

Hexagram #11

Lightning flashes in a darkened room. The shadow of your brooding silhouette briefly illuminates the inky floor. "Why?" you ask yourself again, for the thousandth time. "Why did I miss the Kickstarter for Hexagram #11?"

There's no need to brood; just lighten your mood with the news that Hexagram #11 is now available for purchase on Warehouse 23!

With articles by Steve Jackson, Jean McGuire, Howard Kistler, and more, this issue gives tools to generate random books, insight into how to use the Bad Luck Die in play, new threats and monsters you can inflict on hapless heroes, and even some fiction to tickle your fancy.

Let inspiration spark like lightning with Hexagram #11, available as an instantly downloadable PDF or a fun-packed zine for your collection . . . all thanks to Warehouse 23!

-- Steven Marsh