Dungeon Fantasy Artifacts Now On Kickstarter

Artifacts of Legend, a two-book supplement for the Dungeon Fantasy RPG, is live now on Kickstarter and runs through June 10. These books bring Gaming Ballistic's third-party support for the Dungeon Fantasy RPG to a total of 19 titles. You may have seen or supported previous projects, like the Nordlond setting and much more.  
Artifacts of Legend (40 pages) includes nine artifacts on two-page spreads, plus a Legendary Item generator to create additional artifacts on demand. Artifacts of Saga (36 pages) has 11 more, including some help for Team Evil. All are easily transplanted to any setting, perfect for adding to an existing Dungeon Fantasy RPG campaign or crafting a new story using one of Gaming Ballistic's other settings. 
Check out the campaign and back now to bring these books to life! 

-- Douglas Cole

Artifacts of Legend