Dead Horse is a unfiltered dreamscape of dread,
an unsettling melange of macabre,
a unified pastiche of peril.

Dead Horse #001

Do I have your attention? Good. Listen up.

Dead Horse is a horror anthology zine from Disaster Tourism featuring TTRPG content, fiction, art, and more. Inside Dead Horse #001, you'll find over thirty artists' contributions around the theme of Unsettling Horror – 50+ pages of full-color magazine print. You can pre-order print and digital copies now.

I'm really excited about this one for a couple of reasons. First, I love having the chance to support my friends' work, and there are several folks I'm thrilled to see as contributors here. But beyond that, Dead Horse is paying everyone through profit share – once costs are covered, all profits are equally split among the contributors. So not only do I get to see familiar names in print, I get to know that every single copy is supporting dozens of artists!

Given the overall state of creative industries right now, it's as important as it's ever been to support independent publishers and artists. I think what Disaster Tourism is doing with Dead Horse is awesome, so let's make it a success!

-- Irene Zielinski