Car Wars Companion Is Headed Toward The Finish Line

Car Wars Companion Now On Kickstarter


The Car Wars Companion Kickstarter is off to a great start! We blew past our initial funding goal of $2,000 in under 10 minutes, and it currently (when I wrote this!) looks like we're headed north of $50,000. That's a whole lot of autoduelling!
If you haven't pledged yet, you'll want to head over to the campaign before it closes on October 31. Car Wars Companion features over 100 pages of new content, including hazards, scenarios, rule sets, and much more! And if that's not enough to entice you, check out some of our reward tiers and add-ons – you'll find all kinds of exciting things there to further enhance your Car Wars experience.
Car Wars fans are an enthusiastic bunch, so we're counting on you to see how far Car Wars Companion can go. Make your pledge today, then share our Kickstarter with your friends. Also, share some of your Car Wars experiences with us – we love hearing about the fun people have with our titles!


-- Katie Duffy