Car Warriors: The Autoduel Chronicles Funding On Kickstarter

The Autoduel Chronicles

You may recall the recently released Burning Roads: Dead Man's Run, the first book in The Autoduel Chronicles published by Three Ravens Publishing. (If you haven't seen it yet, you should check it out!) Well, they're back and reloaded, ready to tackle more stories in The Autoduel Chronicles with a brand-new Kickstarter! In addition to Dead Man's Run, readers can back at various levels to get early access and printed editions of the upcoming books 72 Hours To Graceland and Marathon Of Madness. Those with deeper pockets (or maybe some amazing autoduel sponsorships!) can back for additional swag like signed bookplates, private chat groups with the authors, and even the honor of being written into the story with your own epic death scene. You, too, can be a streak on the pavement in your favorite car-battling universe!

There are also affordable digital tiers, so even the lowly pit crew can dice into The Autoduel Chronicles universe. The campaign will run until September 15, so strap in and gun it over to Kickstarter! 

-- Hunter Shelburne