Caligula Enters Final 24 Hours On Kickstarter

Hear ye, hear ye, Caesar commands you to back this project! Well, maybe command is a strong word, but Caesar certainly recommends it. And appreciates it. Caligula is a raucous party game designed by Steve Jackson in which the role of Caesar comes with the power to make laws just as silly as you want them to be. If your subjects break the law, they must accept the punishment, either paying a tithe or taking a drink! This is a lighthearted game perfect for pubs and parties, and not only has it funded, but we've unlocked the stretch goal for a set of eight coasters to enhance your Caligula party night. (For ages 21 and up, of course!) And we're dangerously close to unlocking the themed shot glasses, an item many folks have been asking for!

The campaign ends at noon Central time on August 10, so make sure to back Caligula soon, and bring a little hedonism to your next game night!

-- Hunter Shelburne
