Happy 25th Anniversary, Warehouse 23!

Warehouse 23 from 1999

We've been so busy lately with all kinds of exciting developments (like our ultra-successful Munchkin Big Box crowdfunding event) that one interesting bit of trivia almost went uncelebrated. Namely, the 25th anniversary of Warehouse 23!

We'd been selling product online before that, but April 30, 1999, (on this very Daily Illuminator!) is when we publicly announced our new online store at Warehouse23.com with its own shiny URL and everything.

We've gone through more than one update since then, all in our ongoing efforts to deliver the coolest gaming goodness directly to you. For those willing to risk a nostalgia bomb, you can check out the Wayback Machine archive of how Warehouse 23 looked in its earliest capture, from September 22, 1999. Just please don't try to order anything; we have enough problems already upholding the proper flow of linear time.

-- Steven Marsh