Get Ready For Summer With Random Fun Generator


Parents everywhere are buckling down and strapping in for the challenge of summer and a house or maybe a campsite! full of kids. Regardless of where they'll be, anyone with children will tell you that they need constant supervision and entertainment. Fortunately, our catalog of games is just the thing you'll need to pass the time during the long days of summer, and one package in particular stands out as a great activity for those kids who enjoy competing with others: Random Fun Generator!

This box set includes 20 six-sided dice and 21 different dice games you can play using the rules, included dice, and paper and pencil. Particularly imaginative and creative kids will soon find their thoughts turning to crafting dice games of their own, an activity we encourage and applaud!

You can find Random Fun Generator at your favorite local game store, Barnes & Noble,, or at our online store, Warehouse 23

-- Phil Reed