Gamehole Con In Madison

Gamehole is probably the best-run small con that I have ever attended. It just ticks like a clock, if clocks were full of fun and games, games, games. (BONG!) I'm happy to be going back. They have a stellar lineup of gaming guests, and among their features are the True Dungeon and the Kovalic-centered Dorkstock. So you should definitely come. I am just saying!

Among the things we'll have with us are the new Melee demo scenario For The Effigy of the Oil Wastes and a couple of copies of The Op's brand-new Munchkin Scooby-Doo . . . to be played and then put in the prize pool.

If you've got the weekend of the 20-22 open and can make it to Madison, you really should visit the Gamehole site and get signed up. Fun will be had.

-- Steve Jackson