Do Not Dial In With Your 300-Baud Modem

Do NOT Dial into the BBS

Poking around various old items as we prep them for Warehouse 23, I'm always amused when I can see the ghosts of past communication methods. There was a certain delight in the late '80s and early '90s to see how cutting edge Steve Jackson Games was – they had their own computer system you could dial into with your modem!

Times change, and digital-discussion methods come and go. But one thing that hasn't changed is our commitment to keep you up to date with the latest and greatest info with the company . . . or even to share cool geeky goodies that strike our fancy. For decades, one of the best methods has been the Daily Illuminator – right here! If you don't receive it automagically already, you can do so via email, with RSS, or by following us on Twitter.

But please, don't try to dial in with your Commodore 64.

-- Steven Marsh