David Pulver On "Why I Play GURPS" . . . In 1990

The December 1990 issue of Where We're Going, the old Steve Jackson Games retailer newsletter, has a tiny tidbit of text that's a blast to read so many years after it was first published. When I ran across this recently, I thought it would be fun to share with all of you. You no doubt recognize David Pulver's name, but did you know he was once merely a fan saying incredibly wonderful things about GURPS? Enjoy!

First, the basic system is at its core, logical and simple ....

Second, I enjoy the tactical feel of the basic combat system ....

Third, the supplementary material has been of a very high standard, and in general, has been fun to read. I get the feeling that the writers understand and appreciate the individual genres or periods they are dealing with.

Fourth, the systems (perhaps because of their basic simplicity and realism) lend themselves to expansion. An example is the recent Animal Character rules in Roleplayer.

- David Pulver, GURPSApa

-- Phil Reed