Daily Game Recommendation: Raddle

If you're a fan of daily puzzle games, I can recommend Raddle, from puzzle-maker Sandy Weisz.

The core premise builds off those word ladders you've probably seen in the past:


(That's obviously a very simple example.)

Now imagine if each "next step" of the ladder was a clue to figure out, the answers can be anything . . . and you're given all the clues at once . . . only the clues are out of order.

It sounds complicated, but I find it's the right sweet spot for me, with a number of "Eureka!" moments each day. It starts out challenging (because there are a dozen clues that could fit with the next answer!), but you quickly realize you can eliminate a lot of them: "Oh, it says add a letter to make the next word, but the next word has fewer letters than the current one, so that word can't be it . . ." And so on. Often you can even work up the ladder if you get stuck – letting you pair up some clues with words that way.

I might recommend starting with the puzzle from February 25, since it seems pretty fair and explains the concept. But, honestly, I've found them all enjoyable so far.

-- Steven Marsh