Crowdfunding Focus: Transgressive Horror Resurrected

Transgressive Horror Resurrected

Do you like horror movies? Do you like thinking about horror movies? Do you like reading essays about folks thinking about horror movies? Any thoughts on rhetorical questions?

Depending on your reaction to the above, you may be interested in the forthcoming book, Transgressive Horror Resurrected, currently on Kickstarter. This volume will contain at least 34 essays, each covering a different frightening film that pushed the limits of the genre. Authors come from a wide variety of experiences and backgrounds, and include some names you might recognize – such as yours truly (Steven Marsh), who you might remember from articles and essays spanning 20+ years of Pyramid magazine.

This isn't my first involvement with the book series, having contributed my not-so-random thoughts on The Game and Mystery Science Theater 3000: The Movie in the second volume, Subversive Sci-Fi; and another essay on Mystery Men in the third volume, Fantastic Flops. (Those books and more are also available as part of the campaign!)

So if you're curious to read insightful takes on Aliens, Little Shop of Horrors, Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory, Godzilla Minus One, or dozens of others – including, if I dare say, a most unusual choice from me – please check out the Transgressive Horror Resurrected Kickstarter, scheduled to end on September 11. It's the right time for a fright time!

-- Steven Marsh