Be A Funny Bunny With Munchkin Warm Fuzzies!

The newest expansion in the Munchkin universe is absolutely ear-resistable! Munchkin Warm Fuzzies brings a host of cuddly creatures to the classic card game. 
Included are 56 all-new cards with art by Katie Cook. Before kicking down the door, put on your Rabbit Ears and Angora Sweater, then equip your Bunchucks to prepare for battle. They might appear soft and cute, but these critters can be vicious! Suffering a loss to the Snuggle Bunny will take away your armor, but losing to the knife-wielding Chinkilla means certain death. After all, his teeth are really sharp! And if you can learn to Master the Hopsicord, you'll go up a level and live hoppily ever after.
You won't have a bad hare day when you shuffle Munchkin Warm Fuzzies into any fantasy-backed deck!
Head over to Warehouse 23 or your FLGS to pre-order your copy today. Hop to it!

-- Michelle Richardson