Back From ConnectiCon . . .

This was my first visit to this Hartford, Connecticut event. It was clear that a great time was being had by all. Me included.

• Much, much gaming. I demonstrated Groo (a lot) and Tabloids and the upcoming new edition of Express. Jef Lord ran Car Wars. After a slow Friday night, the game room got busy Saturday and stayed that way! And that was just the general game room . . . there were also tournaments for Magic and other CCGs.

• Much, much magic. One of the other guests was Michael OJ, aka Magic Mike, and he did several close-up shows. He is good. Card magic, escapes, sleight of hand, and a mentalist act in which he gave me three books and predicted what WORD I would choose out of one of them. I do not know how he did that.

• Much, much cosplay and general fun. I'd say that at least one visitor in four was dressed up in some way. Maybe a lot more, ranging from "I threw this together in 20 minutes and it's cool" to "I spent the last two months on this and you'd better admire it or I will skewer you with this enormous foam weapon from a videogame you never heard of, and bathe in your pixelated blood."

• Much, much fun with Film Reroll . . . and I'll do a whole writeup on their show, with pix, after my brain unfreezes a bit. I was laughing so hard it hurt. If you don't want to wait for my review, you can follow the link, but trust me, I'll tell you the story soon . . .

• And much, much fan interaction. Way cool. Thank you for inviting me, ConnectiCon.

-- Steve Jackson