168 Hours Of Car Wars Ends Soon!

The 168 Hours of Car Wars Sale is coming to an end soon! We've added quite a few autoduellists to the ranks this week, but we have enough room on the Car Wars Sixth Edition team for everybody. This sale is the perfect way to get started or to expand an existing garage with even more miniatures. We also have some new items for sale (or for free!). Here's a rundown of what you can find: 

  • Two-Player Starter Sets for $39.95.
  • Miniatures Sets 1 - 4 to enhance your car customization for $29.95.
  • Car Wars Vehicle Guide available in PDF or Print-On-Demand.
  • FREE CARnage Amateur Night Starter Pack.
  • 10% off ALL OTHER Car Wars Sixth Edition Expansions and Accessories.

Take advantage of our deals and drive your dream car . . . cars off the lot! Just get it fast; the sale ends this weekend!

-- Hunter Shelburne

Car Wars Sale