Steve Jackson Games
SKU: SJG30-6032

Welcome to the Future!
GURPS Ultra-Tech is a sourcebook for science-fiction technology, from the near future to the farthest reaches of imagination. Ultra-Tech is an invaluable companion for GURPS Space or any GURPS campaign that needs incredible technological equipment. Used with GURPS Supers, it provides gadgets for heroes and villains. Inserted into a GURPS Horror campaign, Ultra-Tech technology can demonstrate that not all terror comes from the supernatural. It can also equip any mad scientist of the '30s for GURPS Cliffhangers. Whatever the setting, Ultra-Tech has the tools to do the job.
Ultra-Tech covers personal equipment from TL8 (the near future) to TL16 (super-science and beyond), including:
Personal Weapons – From caseless assault carbines and monomolecular-edged swords to plasma rifles and tachyonic disruptors.
Personal Protection – How do you stop a gamma-ray laser rifle? Try a military cybersuit with thermal superconducting armor and a personal force screen.
Heavy Weapons – Hunter missiles, strobe mines, and laser-guided grenades offer ultra lethality.
Medicine – Super-science can heal, rebuild, and even improve on nature. Death itself can become a temporary inconvenience.
And still more gadgets! Living biosuits, computer implants, holographic projectors, energy webs, psionic amplifiers, neutrino communicators, robot factories, chameleon cloaks, intelligent starships . . . there's something for every crisis at every tech level.
GURPS Ultra-Tech is designed for use with the GURPS Basic Set, Third Edition, Revised. It is a valuable resource for any science-fiction roleplayer or Game Master using any game system.
Second Edition Revised, Third Printing
Published June 2003
Written by David L. Pulver