Steve Jackson Games
SKU: SJG30-6406
Who Ya Gonna Call NOW?
When a pipe breaks, you call a plumber. When your roof leaks, you call a roofer. When your car breaks down, you get a mechanic. But what do you do when a gigantic lizard is destroying your high-rise in downtown New York?
Simple. Call Supertemps, the world's only metahuman employment agency!
In this book you'll find:
- Detailed descriptions of 29 new supers-for-hire, with powers running from the meek and mundane to the mystical and magical. Each comes with a fully-described character background, personality, philosophy, and goals! Point totals range from 500 up, with details on raising or lowering the point value of some of the important heroes.
- The complete background history of Supertemps – the company's goals, organization, and hiring practices.
- Adventure seeds and advice on how to involve players in a Supertemps campaign, including information on how PCs can become employees of the company.
- A Supertemps employment application.
- And much, much more . . .
Written by Sean T. DeLap / Mark Johnson