Amarillo Design Bureau
SKU: ADB5753-3C
The SSDs from Captain's Log #53 are now available in color. Check out these ships:
New ships for Star Fleet Battles: Free minelayer; Federation old survey cruiser; Fralli cruiser; Gorn advanced destroyer, heavy destroyer heavy fighter carrier, medium cruiser escort, and frigate escort; LDR police flagship, heavy police flagship, commando destroyer, and war cruiser; and FRA D7 battlecruiser, D6 battlecruiser, F5L frigate leader, F5 frigate, and (Lyran) light cruiser.
New ships for Federation Commander: ISC X-destroyer, Gorn X- battle destroyer, Romulan SkyHawk-X destroyer, and Hydran Knight X-destroyer.
New ships for A Call to Arms: Star Fleet: Federation Mars-class battleship and Klingon B10 Invincible-class battleship.
New ships for Starmada: Hydran Rhino Hunter-class war destroyer and Tartar-class medium cruiser and Andromedan Cobra and Intruder.