Steve Jackson Games
SKU: SJG30-6538

Contained in this slender volume are Horrors so great that Unmarried Women, or those in Delicate Condition, should read with Great Caution – and Protective Eye Wear, if available.
It is an Age of Revolution; the world has been cruelly purged . . . in fire, and blood, and steam. From the past, untold horrors wait to clutch at men's souls.
It is an Age of Invention; even the Laws of Nature must fall before the power of Progress! Sinister villains plot to use their newfound inventions against society, nature, and even God Himself!
It is an Age of Steam; the most brilliant minds of the age experiment with novel, wondrous ideas – but is mankind ready for such power?
GURPS Screampunk presents a toolkit for incorporating Victorian steampunk into games of gothic horror:
- A guide to gothic horror themes, locations, and plots, with suggestions that add a doom-laden atmosphere to your games.
- The use of weird technology as a corrupting influence.
- Real-world Victorian scientific institutions – and the mobs that opposed them.
- Character archetypes including the cruel guardian, the sinister servant, the ingenue, and the swarthy foreigner.
- Adventure seeds, plot hooks, and guidance for running gothic horror scenarios.
The ominous shadows of the past loom over the present. The forces of reason man the last barricade against superstition, medieval barbarism, and ancient nightmares. Will you stand against the darkness?
(This is a digital reprint of a GURPS Third Edition product.)
Written by Jo Ramsay