Captain's Log #36 Color SSDs

Amarillo Design Bureau SKU: ADB5736-3C



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The SFB SSDs and FC ship cards from Captain's Log #36 are now available in color. Check out these ships:

Star Fleet Battles: Federation Advanced Technology (Old) Light Cruiser; Klingon D6L Command Cruiser and C10V Heavy Carrier; Romulan ViperHawk Interdiction Carrier, SkyHawk-R Fast Carrier Resupply Ship, K4F Fast Carrier Resupply Ship, and KRU Interdiction Carrier; Kzinti Scout Destroyer; Gorn Battle Destroyer Fast Carrier Resupply Ship; Tholian War Cruiser Leader; Hydran Pocket Survey Cruiser and D7HX (Anarchist) Advanced Technology Cruiser; Lyran JagdPanther Advanced Technology Light Cruiser; and WYN War Cruiser Leader.

Federation Commander: Gorn Heavy Command Destroyer, Lyran Jaguar War Cruiser Leader, Kzinti Medium Command Cruiser, Federation Light Command Cruiser, Klingon D5L War Cruiser Leader, Tholian War Cruiser Leader, and WYN Cluster War Cruiser Leader.

Written by Stephen Cole