Star Fleet Battles: Module R1 Rulebook 2023

Amarillo Design Bureau SKU: ADB5606-2



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Newly updated in 2023, this is the 22-page rulebook for SFB Module R1 covering general ships for all empires. It includes descriptions for bases such as the mobile base, commercial platform, and system activity maintenance station; ground bases such as fighter, missile, and PF bases; freighters such as repair freighters, suicide, and exploration freighters; and auxiliary naval ships such as PF tenders and space control ships.

There are five scenarios in this rulebook. The Weakest Link features an attack against a defended mobile base. Auxiliary Attack features a squadron with an auxiliary fast patrol ship tender attacking a planet defended by another small squadron. Disaster at Annox V features Klingon Captain Kumerian attacking the Federation’s processing station known as Annox V. Repair Forward has the Romulans attacking a group of damaged ships and a small repair force. The Count’s Coup has Lyran Count Kleaves attacking a group of ships defending a Hydran planet.

This product provides additional ships for use in Star Fleet Battles. You must have the SFB Basic Set to utilize this material. You will need SFB Module C1 (or the SFB Master Rulebook) to use the Andromedan ships. Some of the ships require the Advanced Missions set or the SFB Master Rulebook.