Amarillo Design Bureau
SKU: ADB5741-S
This 32-page booklet includes much-needed information about the main Captain's Log #41 issue, as well as supplementary materials.
Included are:
- The designer notes for Captain's Log #41 from each department head
- The complete Origins 2010 report
- The TerrorWerks gun run report
- Another Input Guide (this one on creative writing)
- The detailed CL#40 after-action review
- The Alpha Strike rules for Federation Commander
- More from Admiral Growler
- Rejected term papers and tactical notes (along with why they were rejected)
- More battle groups
- Sectors B and C of the F&E Hurricane Scenario
- The ISC light battleship for SFB
- The FRAX submarine frigate for Federation Commander
- And the Romulan KF5WR war destroyer for Starmada
Written by Ken Burnside / Mike West / Stephen Cole / Jean Sexton / Mike Filsinger / Anthony Cutcliffe / Chuck Strong / Michael Bennett / Richard B. Eitzen / George Duffy / Matthew Scull / Jeremy Gray / Scott Tenhoff / Michael Guntly / Joseph Carlson / Jon Berry / Ted Fay / Alexander Fulton / Robert Gamble / Marcus Giegerich / Steven P. Petrick